Σάββατο 28 Ιουνίου 2014

Principles of Computing - Introduction part II

First and foremost, we want you to be able to solve complex problems using a computer in a principled way. We don't want you to just sit down at a computer and start coding and hope for the best.
Instead, we want you to think about what you're doing and why, right? Part of this is mathematics. So we're going to introduce you to some of the mathematics that computer scientists use to solve problems every day. And this will help you approach a wide variety of different problems.
We also want you to build upon the programming experience that you have. We want you to be able to think about what you're doing and why, and to be able to build more complex programs, okay?
And part of this is teaching you some of the principles of good programming. It's one thing to be a programmer. It's quite another to be a good programmer.
So I want you to start thinking about how you're approaching a problem. Why you're approaching it in a certain way. And whether or not there are better ways to approach that problem, okay? And this will help to make you a better programmer.
So we want to talk more about computer science in the abstract, rather than programming in the specific. However, programming is an integral part of computer science, so you do need to know how to program.

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