Τετάρτη 11 Ιουνίου 2014

Introduction to Thermodynamics - Transferring Energy from Here to There

What is thermodynamics all about? Thermodynamics is the study of transferring energy. Obtaining energy, transferring energy, and applying energy. So, you can see all sorts of applications of energy transfer around you. And we'll develop skills, and analytical tools that allow us to understand and quantify those systems.
We'll look at first law analysis, and as they apply to open and closed systems. We'll investigate and define properties that allow us to explore these systems. And we'll look at the behavior and application of specific thermodynamic systems at steady state conditions. Including all three phases, solid, liquid and gas phases.

What are the units involved, what are the numbers involved, quantities and scale. The application of process knowledge to analyze complete systems. You should be able to identify subsystems. You should be able to indicate whether or not there's work transfer, heat transfer and what's the important of the thermodynamic state for those systems in terms of temperature, pressure, density, and other thermodynamic variables. Given a set of properties you should be able to identify the phase and the remaining properties for a substance. If I give you a physical setup, for example if it's an engine, a jet engine, or if it's a stove, you should be able to determine what are the work and heat transfer mechanisms, and what are the most reasonable approximations that you can make to analyse this system. Once you have that physical setup, the device, and a process you should be able to compute, to quantify the rates of work and heat transfer as well. You should be able to formulate an ideal approximation, as well as understand how an actual system might differ from an ideal system. And given an actual device, you should be able to correspondingly create an ideal device.
So we can have both real and actual systems and we should understand quantitatively what are the differences between real and actual systems, and we should understand how energy processes affect the environment.
We're going to start with the basic so we'll need some tools in order for us to analyze these thermodynamic systems, these energy transfer systems. And that includes concepts, definitions, and units. Once we have that information we can start defining thermodynamic properties. And in particular we'll look at how we can measure temperature and pressure. How we can describe the states of different systems and processes and pathways that connect us to different thermodynamic states. After that, we'll discuss the energy of a system, the first law of thermodynamics, which is the conservation of energy, heat and work transfer, energy analysis of closed and open systems, and how those energy transfer systems use energy, enthalpy, and internal energy.

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